Monday, September 12, 2011

Leg 1 - Progress... slow, but it's happening. Here we have some new pictures. As I have said in the last post, Leg 1 is the stretch from 280 lbs. to 270 lbs. I am happy to announce that I am at 278.6 as the photograph shows. Apparently something is working. I think I need to find a more intense cardio format. I changed it up a bit for all of last week and did the same this week, starting with a 5 minute jog on the treadmill, moved up speed for 3 minutes, then higher for 2 minutes, back and forth for 20 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown. I think it is working better than the 20 minutes on the aerobic setting of the stairmaster and some of the other treadmill stuff I've done recently.

My awesome face. I shaved so that you can see my awesome double chin. That's what we're trying to get rid of here.

Front view. Awesome.

Side view. We loves us some bacon!

Upper thigh or quadriceps. Still hairy.



Progress, my friends.


  1. Hey Javier, I just found your blog via Julie's, and I'm hoping to be inspired by following your progress. I hope you are still progressing, even though it looks like your last post was over a month ago! Maybe my following will be of some encouragement to you, as I hope it will be to me! Good luck!!

  2. thank you ellen, i am still working at it, but haven't been so diligent with this blog. to the future!!
