Good day today. Got up early, had myself a good breakfast, consisting of five large eggs, a couple of flour tortillas (which I now know is not good for you...ALWAYS LOOK AT THE CALORIE CONTENT AND DON'T EAT ANY WHEAT BASED PRODUCT THAT ISN'T WHOLE WHEAT. DON'T CARE IF IT'S CHEAPER), some sour cream, cheddar cheese, onion and tomato. Pretty good business. Big glass of water and some orange juice to round it off. The solids by themselves totaled out to be 870+ calories. Sorry, I won't take an exact count. I just round up.
Went to work and we actually had a pretty busy day as far as pipe-rolling is concerned. I had a lot of 12 inch pipe come outside because the 24's and 16's were going in the oven, but I still had a decent number of those sizes come outside. When you get rolling those things fast and crazy like I sometimes have to do to keep up with production, you get a pretty good workout.
On each of my breaks I had a piece of string cheese, a nectarine, a handful of grapes, and on my lunch I had about 2 cups of boiled beans that Mom made the other day with some onion and two more flour tortillas.
When I got home I had another 2 cups of beans and 2 flour tortillas with a huge glass of water. Total water intake today was probably somewhere around 4 or 5 liters. Not bad.
So the total calorie intake, even with the ridiculously high calorie flour tortillas was only 2386. According to Travis I should get about 3000, which I think is damn near impossible if you're eating healthy and especially with my work schedule. So Julie's and my suspicions were correct. Whether by Travis's calculations or the recommended calorie intake for an adult male of 2500 per day, I'm not getting enough calories. So we will be working to fix that for sure.
Then I went to the gym about 6 o'clock, drank some Hemo Rage Black, or as I like to call it, T-Rex Piss, which Travis had recommended as a pre-workout about a half hour before to get a little extra umph in my business. Did a ten minute warm up on the stairmaster, went crazy on the squats with a rep pattern of 15, 12, 10. 8, 6, 4, 2, going up ten pounds every time and finishing with 245 lbs. if I remember correctly. Then I did 4 sets of hamstring curls, a slue of other things including some woodchoppers and lunges with a twist at the high point, then some ab work, then a 25 minute run on the treadmill.
Got on the scale when I got home and I was a little over 278, which means I lost a bit. Good times, good business, great workout. Good things are in store.
And remember to try the T-Rex Piss....
Fat Guy, Little Coat
I don't see enough tomatoes and cucumbers in that diet. Oh yeah, that's because you have yet to come down and get some.