Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post the First

Hello fellow fat folks. Or not fat folks, whoever you are. Yes, I am fat. We are here to change that. Maybe. That's the first goal anyway. The second goal will be to be as honest about it as possible.

First, some background. Beginning at the end of 2009, I got my gym membership renewed, got a trainer by the name of Travis Guymon. Good guy, good trainer. Had some major success from January '10 to about June '10, lost 40 lbs throughout that time frame. Then I started going back to school, didn't have so much time for the gym, and so I've put 30 of that back on, but still been pretty consistent in going to the gym. Well I can't afford any school right now and my plans to move to New Mexico fell through for the time being, so we's be gettin back on track. Except I only have a month left of gym membership and I don't plan on renewing it, so it could get interesting here in a month.

Follow me. You will follow me.....or else.....

Fat Guy, Little Coat

ps. if you don't get the fat guy little coat reference, you suck at life.


  1. Hey!!! I don't think I'm renewing my membership either!!!

  2. We can find all kinds of other ways to punish, wait, I mean train, you without the gym! ;)

  3. My brother swears by "The Body Sculpting Bible for Men". I had the women's edition that I lost when I moved out but I am DYING to replace it! It has lots of great advice for your diet, and exercise plans that you can do at home with free weights. The meal program works with the glycemic index, I did it for awhile and you really are full all the time. I couldn't stick with it though because I am a total carb person and I never felt satisfied :)anywho, I'm gonna get myself a new copy just for the strength traing benefits.

  4. i think i will pick that up erin. you other two...behave yourselves
